7 Types of Embroidery Used In Garments

Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric with needles and thread. This thread craft is best executed with a tight weave like silk or cotton on natural fabrics. Nowadays, different types of embroidery techniques are used by organizations, clubs, and other firms to display custom artwork, names, and logo designs. On the basis of the texture of the fabric and stitch, embroidery designs are created. Pearls, beads, stones, and sequins, can also be used in embroidery. Embroidery with a wide range of colored yarns is available today. In this article we will discuss the different types of embroidery:

7 Types of Embroidery Used In Garments

There are many types of embroidery techniques machine-driven and custom embroideries, such as counted thread embroidery, whitework technique, candle wicking embroidery, Fish scale embroidery, and many more.

1. Whitework embroidery

In this type of embroidery technique stitching is the same color as the foundation fabric. The technique of whitework embroidery is usually used on white fabric with white floss. White on white embroidery looks fantastic and can be used in a variety of methods, such as Hardanger, surface embroidery, hedebo, etc. This is also regarded as the French Laid work. This method also includes various forms of embroidery techniques, such as Broderie Anglaise, shadow work, etc.

2. Outline embroidery

In the outline embroidery technique, the design outline is generally worked with different kinds of embroidery stitches such as backstitch, chain stitch, outline stitch, and stem stitch. In this method, the stitch is effectively created by overlapping the backstitches and forming a new pattern.

3. Candlewicking embroidery

Candlewicking embroidery is an alternative type of whitework embroidery technique. This embroidery typically uses a thick cotton thread on the unbeached muslin that is unbleached. The technique of candle wicking is known as a “traditional embroidery technique” because this method uses an old method called the “colonial knot”.

4. Patchwork embroidery:

In patchwork embroidery, the small pieces of fabric are normally assembled on another fabric. Generally, they are organized according to aesthetics. In this technique, machines or hand stitches are used.

To make a greater impact, the patchwork technique is used and you also use any kind of stitch you want to decorate your design. This technique is used mostly to decorate quilts.

5. Fish Scale embroidery

In general, fish-scale embroidery uses fish scales such as goldfish to create embroidery designs. This embroidery often takes place on velvet. In this process, the fish scale is first prepared and then at the base of each scale, holes are made. It can be stitched onto the fabric.

6. Counted thread embroidery:

This embroidery technique involves counting threads for every stitch in the fabric. So it produces symmetrical stitches. One of the most common thread embroideries that are counted is cross-stitch. Blackwork embroidery is a popular methodology.

7. Gold embroidery:

This embroidery style is an embroidery art where metal threads are used. The primary goal of using metal wires is never to make the threads completely gold; silver has always been gold-coated.